Friday, March 30, 2007

Bubion Blast

Chris, a fellow Bikefax employee, came to pay us a visit today; he moved over to Granada about 2 years ago now and sounds like he’s enjoying life out there. Even though he’s not actually a mountain biker he has been known to have been dragged out on a bike in the past, so we managed to persuade him to come out with us for the day. Since we had two vans for the day we decided it would be rude not to take advantage and have an uplift day. We chose to explore a new piece of singletrack we’d been told about and see if we could link it up with anything. With one van in Bubion we drove up the same track that we climbed on the ‘Bubion Big Descent’ and parked a little further down. We followed a track bearing of at a hairpin of a couple of Km before finding the piece of singletrack.

This trail was great, some nice technical single-track climbing as it undulates across the hillside. After a while it reached a T junction in trails. We headed left and downhill. The trail, in my opinion, was very much like something I’d find back home in North Wales, which is in no way a bad thing, it just being in Spain it went on forever. It was technical and rocky, but opened out and got faster and flowing in places.

To end the ride we checked out a bit of GR we had noticed previously from the road on the way up. The trail criss-crossed the road and dropped straight into the back of Bubion. This is possibly one of my favourite pieces of trail yet. It has a series of steep long straights into fast and flowing corners. Even thought it was technical in places it still rode incredibly fast, even in the wet.

This evening we went over to Granada with Chris and had a lovely meal, as well as a little walk around the city centre itself. Granada is home to an amazingly talented graffiti artist, ‘Son of the Painters’, who decorated the streets with awesome paintings.

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