'We do a lot of staring at the computer screen here in the bikefax office. This time though ali is staring at his genius creation the i-guide'
'What do we do when we're not riding?' That's what most people ask us. and its true that in an ideal world we would just get out there and ride all the time. But just as good as riding is writing the routes down and passing on the info to the world.
What we're upto at this moment in time is creating our very latest and very exciting production - the bikefax i-guides.
'Yes we did get the idea from itunes, and what a brilliant idea it is too, put together an ever growing database of great tunes, in our case rides, and pass them on to the public in an easy, cheap and portable format.
Just at the moment we've put some of the downloadable i-trails up in the shop as a taster, and in the next few weeks should have a more browsable library of routes up and running.
In the meantime we're all excited about having a library that riders can post comments to, links to pics and route video and we can even send to your phone.
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