Thursday, April 19, 2007

El Torro

Setting off from G.Sierra we headed up the hill on the opposite side of the reservoir, aiming to reach the road I climbed yesterday evening, this time taking a dirt track that zig-zagged straight up from Geujar itself. This was a much better route up, seeming to be over in half the time of the previous road climb. The aim was to try out another section of single track dropping down towards the reservoir, one I contemplated yesterday but decided the other looked more tempting.

After a venta stop we headed along the road to find the trail head. The trail itself started near a huge cut-out of a black bull. As well as the bull there was a series of masts and satellites all perched on a pinnacle. If the trail was where the map suggested then we would be needing a rope. Luckily after half an hours digging about we spotted the trail whilst on top of the pinnacle itself.

The trail was awesome and completely different to the trail I rode last night. It dropped steeply through trees and over some awkward rock features, with the only time it levelled out for a second was when we hit a series of switchbacks. Before long this dropped us out at the top of the col I had to push up to yesterday. The final blast down to Geujar was much better than I gave it credit for the previous day. I must have been completely worn out because it rode so much better this time round.

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